With the recent gym wear boom many supplement brands have decided to release their own clothing collection. We have to say that USN have produced one of the finest collections of gym wear on the market today.
When it comes to dressing for cardio, there are several options you can choose from. You can start out wearing just a T-shirt and shorts, wear a single, thick layer, or dress in multiple layers. Time and time again, the multiple layering approach has proven to be the best.
The cost of gym memberships varies from one town to the next. There are also exclusive gyms that charge huge sums and bargain chains that almost pay you to go to the gym a few times a week.
Some people will turn up to the gym in an old pair of trainers, a pair of shorts and a novelty t-shirt their parents gave them as a ?present? from their most recent trip abroad. On the other hand, some people are always kitted out in some crazy sci-fi gym apparel.
Your shoes are arguably the most important part of your workout wardrobe. The right shoes will ensure your feet are supported and cushioned so you are free to focus on developing your fitness, strength or performance whereas the wrong shoes can be uncomfortable, distracting and may even cause injury.
Most lifters love to lift ? hardly surprising news. But many loath to do cardio and view it as a waste of energy. Why do cardio when you could do a few more sets of curls?! While such an attitude might mean you have more energy for lifting, you might actually be doing yourself a disservice if you completely avoid cardio. Read more at Anax Fitness > Blog
Almost everyone who exercises wants a six-pack. Those that don?t are either a) telling lies or b) would be quite happy just to have a flat stomach instead of a beer belly! Either way, strong, flat, defined abs are a very common fitness goal.
If, like many people, you make the effort to go to the gym or head out for a run or bike ride, you are doing something that will not only help you control your weight but that may actually increase your lifespan, reduce your chances of suffering numerous chronic diseases and improve your overall quality of life.
Look around the gym and you?ll see a wide variety of gym clothing. From old-school cotton T-shirts and baggy track pants to state-of-the-art workout wear made from breathable and lightweight fabrics. And while exercisers are free to choose in whatever gym wear they prefer, what would a professional personal trainer want you to wear if you were his or her client?